Fun Activities To Do With Your Kids During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Rabu, 13 Mei 2020 | 23:30:55 WIB

The government has called on people to try to isolate themselves from crowds as much as possible during the Coronavirus pandemic. With many schools closed as a measure against the spread of Coronavirus, and many parents working remotely, families can incorporate a variety of Indoor Activities, including educational ones to keep kids engaged and ready to continue learning when they return to school.

The following are some interesting ideas to do with your kids to get rid of boredom while at home:

Set Up A Treasure Hunt

Treasure hunts are pretty easy and depending on how many items there are, could last a while. Hide anywhere from 10 to 20 items around the house or outside to keep kids occupied for a few hours.

Jigsaw Puzzles

A puzzle can be a great collaborative activity for siblings at home. Plus, while they’re piecing together the puzzles, they’re also learning skills and lessons such as shape recognition, patience and delayed gratification. Families who want to get the parents involved can opt for more difficult puzzles.

Have An Indoor Picnic

Grab a sheet, whatever food you have, and enjoy a living room picnic. You can even play that memory game at the same time: “I’m going to a picnic and I’m bringing…” Each person takes turns remembering (in order) what everyone is bringing and then adds one thing each turn.

Indoor Basketball

An over-the-door basketball hoop and miniature ball is a great way for kids to get some exercise while stuck indoors. They can practice shooting or layups on their own, or they can enlist siblings for games like knockout and “horse”.

Bake Together

Cookies, cakes, brownies. Anything! Baking is a great lesson in measuring, ingredients, and of course, making delicious goodies. There is an array of cookbooks for kids, children’s cooking kits and even kid-safe knives out on the market.***
